This old rooster has an important job holding our wishbones until they dry and are requisitioned. There he sits on the kitchen windowsill year after year. See his grin? Most roosters refrain from grinning on a normal basis; most roosters sneer and shoot an evil eye if not also aggressively attacking innocent bystanders. But this guy, with his inherently cheerful disposition and his meaningful life's work, is a contented, mild-mannered fellow. Nothing pleases him more than to have one of us select a cured wishbone off of his tail and use it to "make a wish".
Were you aware that a secret technique exists for breaking wishbones practically ensuring success - and consequently a wish-come-true? No joking. What you have to do is this: hold your side of the wishbone facing off against your opponent who is gripping the other end of the bone. Choose your wish! Since you will from here on out always emerge victorious from future wishbone face-offs, don't worry about choosing a be-all-end-all wish.
Now . . . some one counts to three. . . then, don't pull! That's right, don't pull. Let your worthy opponent do all the pulling. You just hold on. Momentarily, when the shock of the snap settles, it will be revealed that you hold the vanquishing tip in your hand! And you know what that means.
Additionally, the humble wishbone is serviceable for purposes other than wish-making. It can be used with ease to settle disputes such as whose turn it is to massage my feet. It can be handy in determining conundrums such as who gets to eat the last piece of chocolate ganache torte. Or, like heads-you-win/tails-you-lose coin flipping, the wishbone is a suitable device for deciding simple quotidian problems such as shall we go to Tahiti or to Paris this summer?
Any body can see why this little rooster takes pride in his job. Minding the household supply of wishbones is special work and we appreciate his faithfulness (except when he gets sassy and falls off the sill as a joke, though it is hard to grudge him an occasional spree). And any body can recognize the value in retaining a store of dessicated wishbones. As a ready resource for keeping peace in the home they are unsurpassed. For making your every wish come true. . . play it cool and your brood will be none the wiser!